
Barkatt E-Magazine 3rd Issue

We are thrilled to introduce the 3rd Issue of Barkatt E-Magazine

professional downfall but also disease. Also India's First Male Wicca will explain "The Five Clair Senses. He will

assist you in creating a meaningful and magikal spiritual journey. Also you will find how Astrology can be used as a

Coaching Tool. In this issue we are also featuring an exceptional online workshops to boost your inner peace

during this tough time of “Covid19”.

I hope that reading this E- magazine will have an impact on you and encourage to have an impact on others. We

may never know how much our words or actions influence the lives of those around us. But we can choose daily to

be a positive influence on others in a way that could change the rest of their lives even if it is just within the walls

of where you work.

For those of you who have been with us since the beginning and also those just joining us, I thank for being a part

of Barkatt journey. Be prosperous in body, mind, soul and business. Enjoy reading!


Founder of Barkatt, Social Media Marketing Agency

his issue features several articles. Every article speaks to challenge, opportunity, and the transformative

power of hope. In this issue you will find out about Extraction through the eyes of Shaman. A Guru of

Change by the Week magazine and a Top Ten Thinker by MTC Global, will speak about several case

studies where negative emotional states and related behaviour of top leaders have led them not only to

Huma Parveen

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