
Barkatt E-Magazine 2nd Issue

We are thrilled to introduce the 2nd Issue of Barkatt E-Magazine




How can we expect people to be

honest and truthful when we don't

feel comfortable or even debunk

them if they are being themselves. I

am not even starting on,- us being

honest-, that's yet another

question mark.

I caught myself a dozen times judging him, his

emotions, myself & my reactions, my unspoken

resistance, nonverbal discomfort and the

eagerness to end the conversation. I realized how

his truth was making me uncomfortable.

After disconnecting the call, I felt like a hypocrite

and probably because at that moment I was.

was speaking to a gentleman regarding

certain emotions and discussing how

vulnerable we are when it comes to

addressing or even acknowledging emotions

as we go through life.

It seems it becomes even more difficult with

age, since more is expected. As if, as we age

we become the wizard of OZ and should

never ever make any mistakes.

Age seems to be waiting to punish us and asks us

to become a superhero of a kind. Age seems to

take away the freedom of being human. Every new

year of life comes with a stronger form of the

same condition & it reads; 'no more mistakes'.

As he was expressing what he felt for different

people at different times, I was aware of how the

rawness of his statements was making me feel



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