
Barkatt E-Magazine 1st Issue

We are thrilled to introduce the 1st Issue of Barkatt E-Magazine




3 B A R K A T T | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0

W W W . B A R K A T T . I N

Examination stress or anxiety involves feeling of tension, apprehension, fear of

failure during or after an examination. Although this feeling of anxiety helps in

motivating and creates pressure required for increased productivity known as


Eustress motivates you to perform well but if its harming your state of mind, than

the stress can weaken the white blood cells which can make your immune system

weak and destroys foreign bodies (antigens) that leads to production of antibodies.

All this weakens the system and often students have body aches, stomach upsets,

nausea, diarrhea, fevers. Their concentration reduces and have often emotional


E xams are around the corner. Parents and children are under constant stress. The

pressure of doing great and getting good grades is so much that their performances

may open or close future doors.

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