
Barkatt E-Magazine 1st Issue

We are thrilled to introduce the 1st Issue of Barkatt E-Magazine

by Verticaa K.

Runes Expert

Don't fear about anything

this is how one learns

about their self worth and

this realization will help

them to help others to

move ahead without

feeling stuck.

So understand your self,your

worth, meditate and walk on the

direction that spread love and

light as :

You are love

You are light

You are divine

Always remember to merge into light - oneness

which is the last wish of all- one has to undergo the

earth journey for quicker learnings and the learning

has all ways to make one understand to appreciate

love and self, self worth and how to spread love and

acknowledge self and others even in their journey.

Ego, judgement, criticism,guilt, resentment slowers

the process and don't allow the higher self, the light 

to move ahead in the direction one always thought of

before coming to earth realm.

Always remember the keys of

life, For better quicker learnings.

Your mind, emotions and body

are instruments and the way you

align and tune them determines

how well you play life.

7 B A R K A T T | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0

W W W . B A R K A T T . I N

- Harbhajan Singh Yogi


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