
Barkatt E-Magazine 1st Issue

We are thrilled to introduce the 1st Issue of Barkatt E-Magazine

by Dr. Priya Kaul

The Hope Creator

Choosing your Spiritual

Choosing a spiritual healer is your first step. It is

important to be able to choose a healer with a

higher spiritual level. This will help you ascertain

and resolve your issues in an effective manner.

Choosing the right healer is crucial, as this is

directly proportional to the level of faith. It is

important to identify with the healer and to be

able to relate to the person.

The simple formula which I feel helps

everyone is “Have Faith”. Once you

have taken the plunge into

improving yourself, have faith and

follow your choice. Your spiritual

healer will be able to assist you

better and you will be able to see the

results faster and more effectively.

As a spiritual healer myself, I

understand how difficult it can be

for you to make your choice.

The experience of the spiritual healer is important to be focused on,

as this has a direct impact on the overall healing of the person as

well. A mind which does not waver and stays confident in their

choice is a mature one. Everything takes time.

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mental. Spiritual healing is a process, which is

curing, and with an end aim of overall wellness.

It is a journey where we work with our body,

heart and minds, all in sync, towards a better

version of ourselves.

ealing is the whole deal! It is a mix of

the interventions, physical, energetic and


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