
Barkatt E-Magazine 1st Issue

We are thrilled to introduce the 1st Issue of Barkatt E-Magazine

by Baakkul N.K.

A Transformative Coach



umkara with Haleem” is a simple, easy, quick & very powerful

healing technique. In Humkara with Haleem, Prana energy is projected

and directed in a systematic and balanced way, so that it implants the

energy in the five sheaths of the body. This helps to reprogram the energy

body and aura. This Divine modality is created by Shri S.K Sainiji –

originator of Lama Fera.

Boosts mental capacity of people of different ages (5-80

years).It accelerates the rate at which an individual

executes any work related to mental, emotional & spiritual


Activation of the BRAHMA NADI that opens the higher channel of the subtle body.

Releasing blockages from Vishuddhi Chakra that gives wisdom to access different

dimensions and gives power of intuition for financial abundance.

It is useful for Judicial, School Going Children, Officials,

IT, Researchers, BPO Sector, IPS, IAS, Management and

Marketing personnel to enhance productivity.

8 B A R K A T T | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0

W W W . B A R K A T T . I N

Humakara symbol is made by combining vibrations of 3,80,000 mantras whereas Haleem

symbol is made by combining vibrations of 1,34,000 mantras. Making it one of the most

unique and powerful modality for mental and spiritual growth. Benefits of Humkara with



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